Registry description in accordance with section 10 of the Personal Data Act (523/99).
- The registrar
Snack Food Oy Finland
Merimiehenkuja 7 b, 01670 Vantaa.
Tel. 0207 343 930 - Name of the register
Snack Food Oy Finland’s user register for customer, campaign, competition and online services. Completion date 19.1.2016. - Purpose of the processing of personal data
Registry information can be used to carry out campaigns and competitions and to present prizes to identify the customer or participant and to establish a customer relationship or other contractual relationship to implement the service and to manage and develop the customer relationship to provide, implement and maintain SnackFood Oy Finland’s electronic services for marketing SnackFood Oy Finland’s products and services to develop customer service and business for analytical and statistical purposes for the exchange of messages between the service operator and the user of the website and for other similar purposes.The data in the register may be used for direct marketing, unless the data subject has prohibited the use of the data for direct marketing by the registrar. - Information content of the register
The register may contain, for example, the following information:
-first name and last name
-contact information such as address and phone number
-email address and any other login or registration information,
-customer relationship information such as billing and payment information, product and order information, customer feedback and contact information, and lottery and competition response and participation information
-the name of the company or organization represented by the user of the service, the contact details of the company or organization, the position in the company or organization
-possible permits and consents
-possible prohibition on the disclosure or use of the information by the user for direct marketing purposes
-information related to the implementation of communications and information on the use of services
-possible interest information provided by the customer or user
-possible other information collected with the consent of the customer or userThe information content of the register may vary from customer to customer and from user to user depending on how and what services are used. - Regular sources of information
-The information concerning the data subject is regularly obtained from the customer or the user himself when he informs the data controller of the data in connection with participation in a customer event, campaign or competition or when using the services of the data controller.
-Website traffic and other general Anonymous data are monitored using analytics and cookies or other similar technology. - Regular disclosures and transfers outside the EU or the European Economic Area
The registrar shall not disclose the register data without the consent of the data subject except within the limits permitted and required by law. The registrar shall not disclose the registry data to other companies for the purposes of their direct marketing.
The cregistrar may disclose the register data to third parties, which the controller uses to perform the tasks in accordance with the intended use of the register on behalf of the controller.
Other processing of data requires the consent of the data subject or is based on an express provision of law.
Data will not be transferred outside the EU or the European Economic Area. - Registry Security Principles
The registry information will be kept confidential. Only employees who have the right to process user or customer data for their work are entitled to use the system containing the register data. Each user has a username and password to the system.The information is collected in databases that are protected by firewalls, passwords and other technical means. The databases and their backups are located in locked spaces and can only be accessed by certain pre-designated individuals. The servers are highly secure. - Right of inspection
According to section 26 of the Personal Data Act, the user of the services has the right to check what information about him or her has been stored in the register or whether there is no information about him or her in the register.The request for verification must be submitted in writing and signed to the registrar.If there are errors in the registered data, the data subject may submit a request to the registrar to correct the error. - Right of Prohibition
The data subject shall have the right to prohibit the registrar from processing personal data concerning him or her for the purposes of direct mail, distance selling and other direct marketing, and market and opinion research, as well as personal and genealogical research.In cases of prohibition, please contact the contact person of the registrar in section one.